Category: Internet
Critical security flaw in the LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin: 5 million sites affected
On August 19, 2024, a critical vulnerability was identified in the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, used by over 5 million WordPress sites. The flaw allows an unauthenticated attacker to impersonate an administrator, compromising the site's full integrity. Technical details The flaw was discovered by WordFence. It [...]
10 criteria for choosing the best WordPress webmaster
When it comes to managing a WordPress site, you need to find a pro, a webmaster who knows what he's doing. A webmaster who knows what he's doing, who can turn an online journey into a joyful cruise! But how do you choose the right, or even the best, WordPress webmaster? Discover the 10 most useful qualities when choosing a [...]
The cloud doesn't exist: pitfalls and dangers of the proprietary cloud and open-source alternatives
The word "cloud" has lost its meaning. Worse, it's often synonymous with a proprietary solution that locks you in. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Why choose a WordPress hosting specialist?
As the owner of one or more WordPress sites, you should know how practical, high-performance, reliable and secure web hosting can revolutionize your approach. You really have no idea how much you can revolutionize your WordPress management. Revolutionize your management with the WordPress Toolkit Whether you're an expert or not, [...]
Cybersecurity - Why do a WordPress security audit?
WordPress: a popular but vulnerable CMS WordPress is without doubt the most widely used CMS in the world. Its popularity makes it a prime target for hackers. Owning a WordPress site therefore requires constant vigilance when it comes to security. But why is it so important to have a WordPress site security audit [...].
Web greenwashing: How can you be truly green?
Everyone's trying their hand at eco-responsible sites. While this won't save the planet, it does help to raise awareness. It's a step in the right direction. But the aim is to maximize efforts. And if optimizing sites from the visitor's point of view ("customer" side) is [...]
Optimize the management of your WordPress sites: 10 Practical Tips
Are you wasting time maintaining your WordPress sites? 🥵 Here are 10 key points for managing hundreds of them hyper-efficiently! 😎👇 1. Centralize your sites Group your sites together on just one or a few servers, but make sure that each site remains isolated at system level to remain secure. This will [...]
DNS essentials - In 2 minutes
Every web player needs to master these points! By mastering DNS, you'll be FREE with your websites and domain names! 👇 Learn the essentials in 2 intense, effective minutes instead of a boring 3-hour course. 🤯 What is the DNS system? 📄 The Domain Name System is [...]
Is your company locked into the Google or Microsoft Clouds?
Savez-vous où sont physiquement vos données ? Dans quel datacenter ? Qui y a accès ? Si une seule de ces réponses est « non », c’est plus grave que vous ne pourriez le penser. Reprenez le contrôle en 3 étapes. 1 – Prendre conscience du problème Utiliser un service Google ou Microsoft peut procurer de la […]
Hosting in Germany with Hetzner: Eco-responsibility, Interconnection and Privacy
Dans le monde de l’hébergement web, les préoccupations écologiques et de confidentialité sont primordiales. Certaines idées reçues peuvent freiner le choix d’un hébergeur, notamment en Allemagne. Cet article vise à démonter ces préjugés, en mettant en lumière l’excellence de Hetzner, mon partenaire d’hébergement allemand, en matière d’écoresponsabilité, d’interconnexion et de confidentialité. Écoresponsabilité : Au-delà du […]
Why does WordPress dominate the web?
Quand un produit sort du lot au point d’exploser toute la concurrence comme WordPress, c’est souvent par une force de frappe marketing, parfois par chance. Mais WordPress est loin d’avoir volé sa place et voici pourquoi. Open-source La nature open-source de WordPress a joué en sa faveur. Le projet a séduit la communauté et comme […]
Emails: 6 preventive tips to never receive spam
Qui a envie de passer ses journées à trier des centaines de spams dans sa boîte mail ? De risquer de recevoir des virus ou du phishing, ou des intimidations ?Pas vous ? Alors voici 6 moyens de vous protéger de cette perte de temps. Cela fait 5 ans que j’ai mis toutes ces astuces […]
Your WordPress site is vulnerable
Many wonder how WordPress can be vulnerable to attack despite its popularity and following. Others are completely unaware of the risk. Analysis. What is a vulnerability? WordPress is programmed with the PHP language, and PHP code is used to create "dynamic" sites. In other words, content is generated on each page by a PHP program. [...]
How can I check if my WordPress site has been hacked? Warning signs to be aware of
It's sometimes hard to tell the difference between a malfunction and a hack. But there are signs that your site may have been hacked. Today, let's take a look at the 8 most common signs to spot a hack on your WordPress site. ❌ Warning: if in doubt, it's best not to connect to [...]
WordPress site attacks: Why and how do hackers operate?
Let's put ourselves in the shoes of hackers attacking WordPress sites, and understand how they think and operate, so we can better protect ourselves. The hacker's goal Hackers are generally motivated by money. While their attacks are often stupid and nasty, we mustn't underestimate them, as some are quite clever. More marginally, we can also observe [...]
WordPress "Builders": The hidden face
Depuis des années, les constructeurs de pages pour WordPress, appelés « builders » sont à la mode. Il s’agit d’éditeurs visuels ayant vocation à faciliter la mise en page des sites. Elementor, Divi, WPBakery : Agences web, webmasters, chacun utilise son « builder » à tout-va. Révolution de WordPress, ou monumentale erreur, qu’en dit « l’expert WordPress » ? La promesse […]