Optimize the management of your WordPress sites: 10 Practical Tips

Are you wasting time maintaining your WordPress sites? 🥵

Here are 10 key points for managing hundreds of them super efficiently! 😎👇

1. Centralize your sites

Group your sites together on just one or a few servers, but make sure that each site remains system-isolated for security. This will be much easier to manage and more economical than hosting each site individually.

2. Manage DNS via the host server

Manage DNS of your domains directly via the hosting server. The creation of sub-domains will be simplified, your e-mails will be pre-configured for good deliverability, and you'll be able to benefit from a free WildCard certificate to protect all your domains with SSL/TLS encrypted connections. You'll also be able to centralize your email management, for even greater efficiency.

3. Choose high-performance hosting

Don't waste your time with a slow back-office. Choose high-performance hosting like LRob's to be sure that if your site is slow, the problem isn't with the server but with site optimization.

4. Use the WordPress Toolkit

Choose hosting with the WordPress Toolkit. You'll be able to log in to each site with a single click, receive security alerts, add additional protection with a few clicks, benefit from automatic updates and deactivate a problematic plugin even if the site has a problem.

5. Make sure you have a good daily backup

A good backup should be managed on the server side, not by the site itself. For peace of mind, have a copy at home in addition to the one at your host. Problems with a site? Restore a backup. And test your backups before you need them, so you won't be caught short in the event of a problem.

6. Easy access to server logs

In the event of a bug on your site, which is bound to happen one day, access to server logs is essential to find and correct the error quickly.

7. Choose a service provider who has your back

Choose a reliable provider for backup, support and monitoring. When the going gets tough, you'll know the difference between a good provider and a bad one.

8. Enable automatic site updates

With a good backup and a good provider, activate automatic updates for your sites, as enabled by the WordPress Toolkit. This eliminates the need for manual updates, increases security and saves you a lot of time. You'd be surprised how few problems occur when updates are made regularly.

9. Use additional server-level security

Choose a server with additional security features such as an application firewall, anti-bruteforce and automatic banning of attacking IPs. This, combined with the above measures, reduces the risk of hacking by 99 %, while drastically reducing unnecessary load on the server, for optimum performance.

10. Add value to your hosting and maintenance

Communicate your safety and maintenance measures. Invoice your customers for this added value, and secure your business with high value-added subscriptions. And be proud of the service you offer, so you can grow your business.

Do you have between 5 and 128 WordPress sites to host while respecting all these criteria? My offers Web Agency are made for you! Contact me at for more info.

Would you like to share your own method? Any points to add? Comment below! 👇

With these tips, you'll optimize the management of your WordPress sites, save time and improve their security and performance. Don't hesitate to contact me to find out how we can work with you to achieve your goals.

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