Increase in URSSAF contributions for 2025 (AE/EI)

A decree of May 30, 2024 fixes since July 1 the increase in contributions for 2025 for BNC (and Cipav). For better social protection. Auto-entrepreneurs (and EI): get ready.

As indicated in this first news item :

This concerns auto-entrepreneurs affiliated to the general Social Security scheme and declaring their sales in the BNC category. The aim is to guarantee their supplementary pension rights.

Source :

An e-mail from URSSAF on August 28 informs us of changes in the overall contribution rate.

Scroll down to see the mail


You are an auto-entrepreneur in the crafts, trades or unregulated liberal professions, and you declare your sales as non-commercial profits (BNC).

Each month or quarter, you pay social security contributions calculated according to a global contribution rate applied to your sales.

Please note that from July 1, 2024, this overall contribution rate of 21.1 % will increase progressively over three years, as shown in this table (excluding Acre beneficiaries and auto-entrepreneurs working in overseas France), according to the following schedule:

YearPeriodOverall rate
2024from July 1 to December 31, 202423.1 %
2025from January 1 to December 31, 202524.6 %
2026from January 1, 202626.1 %

Why does your rate increase? ?

Your rate increases to enable you to acquire rights to the supplementary pension for self-employed workers, and thus benefit from enhanced social protection.

Qu'is the supplementary pension for self-employed workers ?

The supplementary pension for the self-employed is an essential complement to your basic pension. By paying monthly or quarterly contributions, you accumulate points, which will be converted into pension rights when the time comes.

You benefit from'Acre or you do business overseas ?

If you are a beneficiary of Acre or if you work overseas, we invite you to consult your new contribution rate on the following pages Status essentials -

Good to know

For your supplementary pension entitlements prior to July 1, 2024, the public authorities are in the process of defining a system that will enable you to make retroactive contributions and acquire entitlements if you so wish.

One question ?

You'll find all the information you need about :

Urssaf is at your disposal for any further information.

Best regards.

This confirms the information given on July 10 on the official website.

Summary of increases

🟢 2024, from July 1 to December 31, 2024: 23.1 %
📈 2025, from January 1 to December 31, 2025: 24.6 %
📈 2026, from January 1, 2026: 26.1 %

Why is the rate increasing?

URSSAF explains in the e-mail:

"Your rate increases to enable you to acquire supplementary pension rights for self-employed workers and thus benefit from enhanced social protection."

And on the website :

"The supplementary pension is an essential complement to the basic pension. Thanks to the contributions they pay, auto-entrepreneurs will now be able to accumulate points that will be converted into pension rights when the time comes, ensuring greater long-term financial security."


💡 Remember to :

  • Adapt your contribution calculation grids
  • If necessary, adapt your pricing structure
  • Re-evaluate the relevance of a change to SARL/EURL and derivatives
  • Don't be fooled by any phishing campaigns (fake e-mails asking for personal information or redirecting you to fake sites) that may follow this announcement.


Not necessarily the best news for back-to-school...

But let's look on the bright side:
There's still a chance we'll get a pension. 🤞
(yes, yes, we believe it...)


I'm Robin Labadie, web host and WordPress specialist.

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